Most used of 2250 words in English with meaning in English and Arabic-Part 8:
Most used of 2250 words in English with meaning in English and Arabic, the frequency of the word, and some examples. Part 8: 71 different مختلف، اخر، متنوع 215 (adjective) E-m Not the same as somebody/something; not like somebody/something else. Ex: American English is significantly different from British English. It's slightly different from what I'm used to. تختلف اللغة الإنجليزية الأمريكية اختلافًا كبيرًا عن اللغة الإنجليزية البريطانية. إنه مختلف قليلاً عما اعتدت عليه. 72 its له ملكيته، لها لغير العاقل 215 (pronoun) E-m Belonging to or connected with a thing, an animal, or a baby. Ex: Turn the box on its side. Have you any idea of its value? اقلب الصندوق على جانبه. هل لديك فكرة عن...